Sunday, June 12, 2011

Don't Bee Scared

I know I was. But once you get used to it it's not that bad. It's kind of hard but it isn't. It looks mean, I know. But junior derby is not. They teach us how to Booty block, whip people, Booty check and transition.

Don't bee scared. I would tell a new skater, "it's fun! I like it, so you should too!"

They say you only get hurt if you don't fall right, and that's true. All you need is skates, pads and a helmet. Also a mouth guard so your teeth don't get hurt.

I've talked to some girls in Moxi skate shop that are great skaters and are good enough to derby but are always scared and saying, "I might get hurt"and that irritates me, badly! It irritates me because, well, you're good, you've got your mom or someone in your family in derby and you see that they don't get that hurt, but you say you're going to get hurt because you're younger than them. But if you learn how to fall right you won't get hurt and just SUCK IT UP!

Whoo Whoo!

I've gotten hurt skating outside. My wrist guard was popping up and I fell onto it and I got a little scratch but somehow it got infected so it became a huge bruise. Like, the size of my fist! O.M.G.


Even though I got hurt I still play roller derby because I hate running, but I looove SKATING!

Oh ya!


  1. Great blog Killer! Is it ok with you if I follow your blogs? You tell those people that are scared that it's ok to be scared. It's what they do while they are scared that counts.
